The Whole our Lives Weekend Intensive
16th-18th of March 2018 with James Boag

About James
Originally from Yorkshire, James teaches yoga and applied yoga philosophy globally.
James is known for his storytelling, his rich kirtans, deep meditations, principle-based approach to asana/natural movement and for bringing the timeless wisdom of the traditional scriptural teachings vividly into the context of our lives today. He has been teaching for over twenty years, teaching yoga since 2003 and leading integrated programs on applied yoga philosophy around the world since 2009. He regularly returns to Mysore in South India where he completed his MA in Sanskrit, to lead courses on the Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras and Indian Mythology.
Originally from Yorkshire, James teaches yoga and applied yoga philosophy globally.
James is known for his storytelling, his rich kirtans, deep meditations, principle-based approach to asana/natural movement and for bringing the timeless wisdom of the traditional scriptural teachings vividly into the context of our lives today. He has been teaching for over twenty years, teaching yoga since 2003 and leading integrated programs on applied yoga philosophy around the world since 2009. He regularly returns to Mysore in South India where he completed his MA in Sanskrit, to lead courses on the Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras and Indian Mythology.
The Whole of Our Lives: Cultivating Harmony in Our World Today with James
This nourishing way of practice will allow you to bring the harmonizing benefits of yoga into all aspects and stages of life.
Whether you are new to yoga, or have been immersed in this field for decades, James’s integrated workshop programs offer us the opportunity to deepen our understanding of the practical resources of the yoga tradition and how we can work with them to foster harmony and fulfilment in all aspects of our lives.
The core teachings of yoga make it clear that yoga ‘practice’ is not confined to the time we are working with yoga techniques, but is really everything we do. Drawing on these essential teachings, we will explore ‘full spectrum practical yoga’ and how the practical gifts of yoga can help us navigate the reality of 21st century life.
- Friday March 16 - 2018 - 19:00 to 21:30
- Saturday March 17 - 10:00 to 12:30 - (lunch break) - 14:30 to 17:00
- Sunday March 18 - 10:00 to 12:30 - (lunch break) - 14:00 to 16:30
Whether you are new to yoga, or have been immersed in this field for decades, James’s integrated workshop programs offer us the opportunity to deepen our understanding of the practical resources of the yoga tradition and how we can work with them to foster harmony and fulfilment in all aspects of our lives.
The core teachings of yoga make it clear that yoga ‘practice’ is not confined to the time we are working with yoga techniques, but is really everything we do. Drawing on these essential teachings, we will explore ‘full spectrum practical yoga’ and how the practical gifts of yoga can help us navigate the reality of 21st century life.
Prices: 200€ - The Whole our Lives Weekend Intensive with James Boag.
@ my YogaShala in Etterbeek, Brussels
Limited places so please book yours in advance by making 60€ transfer to Darius Yoga account
BE 40 3630 6373 1363.
For any further questions please contact me at: [email protected]
Could be a little change in the program or timing and will be updated asap.
@ my YogaShala in Etterbeek, Brussels
Limited places so please book yours in advance by making 60€ transfer to Darius Yoga account
BE 40 3630 6373 1363.
For any further questions please contact me at: [email protected]
Could be a little change in the program or timing and will be updated asap.
Session Overview
Morning sessions will be movement based, afternoon session will include discussion, meditation exercises, sound work and short movement practices.
This weekend is suitable for participants of all ages and levels of experience and for practitioners/devotees of all styles of yoga practice and inquiry. The physical work we do, with āsana and movement, is all principle-based, ‘scalable’, and relevant to all styles of yogāsana practice and broader movement modalities.
James’ workshops are always deeply practical and relevant to the broader lives of those who attend. If you are curious about ‘taking your yoga beyond the mat’ and/or deepening the impact of your work with yoga techniques, this program is definitely for you. When James gives programs like this, the content is always unique, depending on who is in the room and what is most pertinent to deepening into the topic. These descriptions give a guideline of the overall pattern of the weekend.
Friday 16th of March
Opening Discussion Session 19:00-21:30: Yoga and the way of the Evolutionary
James will introduce yoga as the practical school of Indian Philosophy that works with the whole spectrum of our human experience as we consider, amongst other treasures:
Saturday 17th of March
Yoga and the next movement:
Life is constant change and movement. Yoga is the state of balanced, steady ease and the platform for efficiency and satisfaction in movement and action. This state of balance and integration is our innate capacity as human beings. In today’s world however, we are subject to many influences which can compromise our connection to this capacity.
Here, we will explore how we can work practically with yogic principles to support steady ease throughout the day and through all stages of the reality of our lives.
Morning āsana and movement exploration: Yoga āsana as training for life
How we can use our time working with physical yoga practices to support ease and steadiness through the spectrum of our daily lives. In particular, we will look at rehabilitating, reinforcing, and refining healthy neuro-muscular patterns and efficient kinetic chains through the body for safe, easy and effective movement in daily life and in more demanding movement activities.
Lunch Break (not included in the workshop price) there is plenty places where you can eat around in walking distance.
Afternoon session: satsang talk, meditation and kirtan
With reference to classical archetypes from the Indian yoga tradition, we will consider ancient yet timelessly practical teachings around dynamism and stillness and how we can cultivate positive evolution through the inevitable change and movement of life. We will then further explore practically through meditation and kirtan.
Sunday 18th of March
The Way of the Yogic Warrior: the ‘Many Ways of the One Way’: Quality and the Qualities
Yoga is not about some future imagined goal or eventual payoff, but about cultivating harmony right here and now, wherever we are. Yoga is not so much about what we do, or what techniques we like to explore with, but how we do whatever we are doing.
Here we will take recourse to the wonderful, practical supports of classical yoga teachings from Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtra-s and the Bhagavad Gītā as we consider the essential, foundational qualities for the yoga practitioner laid down by Patañjali in his Yoga Sūtra-s, and what it really means to be a yogic warrior in the context of our own lives in our world today.
Morning āsana and movement exploration: Yoga: Lifelong long-life Practice
In this session, we will continue our exploration of the technologies of haṭha yoga:
Lunch Break (not included in the workshop price) there is plenty places where you can eat around in walking distance.
Discussion followed by Kirtan: Yogic Warriorhood in our World Today
Focusing on practical frames and supports encoded in the Yoga Sūtra and Bhagavad Gītā, we will consider the archetype of the yogic warrior and how useful and important it can be in all facets of our lives and especially in these times of technological bombardment, information overload and media manipulation.
A few words more about Kirtan: Yoga and the Power of Sound: Call and response singing and chanting with James Boag
The yoga tradition offers myriad tools we can work with to cultivate integration and recover our innate capacities for deep presence and sustainable wellbeing. These include many sound-based techniques and practices. The extraordinary visionaries and research scientists of the ancient yoga tradition recognised the pervasive, penetrative power of sound and how the readily accessible resources of our own voices can be harnessed to foster harmony through the whole of our being.
The call and response singing and chanting of kirtan, is simple, yet powerful, cleansing and uplifting. James will also speak briefly about kirtan, Sanskrit as an energy-based language, the symbolism and effects of the words we use in the practice, and how kirtan relates to other practices and paths of yoga.
Everyone welcome!
Do not worry if you are not a virtuoso singer. The joy and practical benefits of yoga are open to everyone.
Morning sessions will be movement based, afternoon session will include discussion, meditation exercises, sound work and short movement practices.
This weekend is suitable for participants of all ages and levels of experience and for practitioners/devotees of all styles of yoga practice and inquiry. The physical work we do, with āsana and movement, is all principle-based, ‘scalable’, and relevant to all styles of yogāsana practice and broader movement modalities.
James’ workshops are always deeply practical and relevant to the broader lives of those who attend. If you are curious about ‘taking your yoga beyond the mat’ and/or deepening the impact of your work with yoga techniques, this program is definitely for you. When James gives programs like this, the content is always unique, depending on who is in the room and what is most pertinent to deepening into the topic. These descriptions give a guideline of the overall pattern of the weekend.
Friday 16th of March
Opening Discussion Session 19:00-21:30: Yoga and the way of the Evolutionary
James will introduce yoga as the practical school of Indian Philosophy that works with the whole spectrum of our human experience as we consider, amongst other treasures:
- The Map and Compass of the Yoga Tradition: practical tools to cultivate harmony within the reality of the constant change and inevitable challenges of life.
- The ‘Puruṣārthāḥ’ – the ‘Aims of Life’ in the Indian spiritual tradition as practical principles to foster fulfilment and harmony within the reality of nature and the human condition.
- Practical Alchemy: Sustainable Development and the Nature of Transformation: Working honestly and realistically where we are, with what is, and the mechanisms of yoga technology that can facilitate lasting change and deepening transformation.
- Yoga Āsana way beyond the mat: the technologies of haṭha yoga, and principles of yogic movement to support efficiency and easefulness in broad spectrum movement and all facets of life.
Saturday 17th of March
Yoga and the next movement:
Life is constant change and movement. Yoga is the state of balanced, steady ease and the platform for efficiency and satisfaction in movement and action. This state of balance and integration is our innate capacity as human beings. In today’s world however, we are subject to many influences which can compromise our connection to this capacity.
Here, we will explore how we can work practically with yogic principles to support steady ease throughout the day and through all stages of the reality of our lives.
Morning āsana and movement exploration: Yoga āsana as training for life
How we can use our time working with physical yoga practices to support ease and steadiness through the spectrum of our daily lives. In particular, we will look at rehabilitating, reinforcing, and refining healthy neuro-muscular patterns and efficient kinetic chains through the body for safe, easy and effective movement in daily life and in more demanding movement activities.
Lunch Break (not included in the workshop price) there is plenty places where you can eat around in walking distance.
Afternoon session: satsang talk, meditation and kirtan
With reference to classical archetypes from the Indian yoga tradition, we will consider ancient yet timelessly practical teachings around dynamism and stillness and how we can cultivate positive evolution through the inevitable change and movement of life. We will then further explore practically through meditation and kirtan.
Sunday 18th of March
The Way of the Yogic Warrior: the ‘Many Ways of the One Way’: Quality and the Qualities
Yoga is not about some future imagined goal or eventual payoff, but about cultivating harmony right here and now, wherever we are. Yoga is not so much about what we do, or what techniques we like to explore with, but how we do whatever we are doing.
Here we will take recourse to the wonderful, practical supports of classical yoga teachings from Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtra-s and the Bhagavad Gītā as we consider the essential, foundational qualities for the yoga practitioner laid down by Patañjali in his Yoga Sūtra-s, and what it really means to be a yogic warrior in the context of our own lives in our world today.
Morning āsana and movement exploration: Yoga: Lifelong long-life Practice
In this session, we will continue our exploration of the technologies of haṭha yoga:
- Working with yogic understandings to harness the miraculous gifts of the ‘divine vehicle’ of our ‘sacred body’.
- Deepening our experiential understanding of movement principles and haṭha yoga technologies to empower our work with any style of ‘physical’ yoga practice or broader movement modality through all stages of life.
- Exploring Balance and Efficiency: How we can harness our work with physical practices so they can support and empower all aspects of our lives.
- Using ‘physical’ practices to deepen self-trust and awareness.
Lunch Break (not included in the workshop price) there is plenty places where you can eat around in walking distance.
Discussion followed by Kirtan: Yogic Warriorhood in our World Today
Focusing on practical frames and supports encoded in the Yoga Sūtra and Bhagavad Gītā, we will consider the archetype of the yogic warrior and how useful and important it can be in all facets of our lives and especially in these times of technological bombardment, information overload and media manipulation.
A few words more about Kirtan: Yoga and the Power of Sound: Call and response singing and chanting with James Boag
The yoga tradition offers myriad tools we can work with to cultivate integration and recover our innate capacities for deep presence and sustainable wellbeing. These include many sound-based techniques and practices. The extraordinary visionaries and research scientists of the ancient yoga tradition recognised the pervasive, penetrative power of sound and how the readily accessible resources of our own voices can be harnessed to foster harmony through the whole of our being.
The call and response singing and chanting of kirtan, is simple, yet powerful, cleansing and uplifting. James will also speak briefly about kirtan, Sanskrit as an energy-based language, the symbolism and effects of the words we use in the practice, and how kirtan relates to other practices and paths of yoga.
Everyone welcome!
Do not worry if you are not a virtuoso singer. The joy and practical benefits of yoga are open to everyone.